Portrait of the Owner

About the Owner

Free to Be Electrolysis is owned and operated by me, Renee Tingley, LC, LE, CPE. With 20+ years of experience in the skincare industry and over 10 years as a licensed electrologist, I can help you reach your hair-free, youthful skin goals! As an aesthetician, I pride myself on product knowledge and results-driven services backed by a passion for continuing education in my field. Whether it is a facial, dermaplane, (certified since 2018) a peel, or waxing, I provide the best of both worlds: education and skill combined with a gentle touch and impeccable client care. Extensive experience in aesthetics goes hand in hand with electrology as you can meet your goals for beautiful skin and permanent hair removal in one place!

I am a member of the American Electrology Association, the editor of Electrology World Magazine, a member of the Kansas Association of Professional Electrologists where I serve as secretary, and I am a Certified Professional Electrologist. This important, nationally recognized credential goes well beyond state licensing requirements for electrology professionals. This credential is your assurance that I regularly seek out continuing education to stay up to date and provide you with the best possible care. I always look for ways to stretch my knowledge base and proficiency, regularly attending professional electrology events across the nation where I can network and learn from the top professionals in the field.

I treasure the trust of my diverse clientele and the friendships that are forged through such personal and unique services. I love to write, make and collect art, and spend time with my husband of 22 years. Together, we are raising three wonderful young people who keep us on our toes!

I look forward to meeting you!

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

—Vincent Van Gogh